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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 мар 2014, 03:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
Сообщения: 10060
Narimantas писал(а):
Interesting letter from PL to UA...


Браття Українці!
Браття Українці!

Поляки, а серед них багато польських націоналістів з увагою та симпатією приглядаються Вашої боротьбі за свободу!
Частина підтримує вас чином, активно діючи у протестах, як на київському майдані, так і підчас акцій солідарності у польських містах. Ми поважаємо вашу відвагу, молимось за жертви та бачимо натхнення у Вашої діяльності.

„Національна Політика" є впливовим польськім національним журналом. На наших сторінках ми багато пишемо про Україну, намагаємось пізнати українську думку про справи, яки нас об’єднують. Одною з головних тем нашого журналу є концепція Міжмор’я (Intermarium) - міцного зв’язку вільних європейських народів, яки може бути альтернативою для імперської Росії та гниючого Євросоюзу. Ваш справедливий гнів та бунт ми видимо яко крок до вільної Україну - необхідної частини такої коаліції.

Щоб ідея співпраці середньоєвропейської співпраці могла здійснитися нам треба розрахуватися із нашим минулим, часто важким для наших народів. Для поляків дуже болючую раною є геноцид на Волині. Підчас наших маніфестацій мі піднімаємо гасло: „Гонор та слава героям!“. Пам’ять про жертви тих часів є для нас питанням наших правил, правди та гонору. Вам треба знати, що ані політика Другої Речи Посполитої, ані акції-відповідь польського підземного опіру не виправдує вбивства наших земляків. У цієї справи ми не відступимо ані на крок.

Адже це не є становищем спрямоване проти сучасних українців. Ми розуміємо, що ви поважаєте УПА, чорно-червони барви якої сьогодні віють над Майданом, не з нагоди вбивств на Волині, а з нагоди її боротьби проти радянського та німецького окупантів. Однак ми будемо приглядатися культові УПА із увагою та занепокоєнням. Просимо Вас о розважну та предметну дискусію о цієї справі. Ми віримо, що пізнання та прийняття правди полегшить зближення наших народів. Ми також просимо Вас відкинути шовінізм та будувати дорослий націоналізм, фундаментом якого є не тільки „біологія, етнографія, лінгвістика", а також „ідея та цивілізаційний порядок".

Важливою справою є, щоб у історичних питаннях не допустити до переваги трагічних епізодів з минулого. Є багато історичних діячів, яки з’єднують українців та поляків. Ми винні намагатися, щоб пам’ять про них жила у свідомості наших народів. Ми можемо нагадати хоча би гетьмана Петра Конашевича-Сагайдачного, який під Хотином прийшов із допомогою польському війську, яке було оточено турками, чи також короля Владислава IV, друга козаків, котрий хотів створити християнське братство зброї проти мусульманським татарам та туркам. Політика Першої Річі Посполитої щодо Вашого народу привела до її розпаду. Не можна однак забувати, що за цих часин були також спроби покращити цю політики, хоча би невдалий Гадяцький Договір з 1658 року. За поєднанням та близькою співпрацею наших народів виповідалися великі українські поети як Тарас Шевченко та Іван Франко. Початок XX століття приніс співпрацю отамана Семена Петлюри та молодою польською державою проти більшовиків. Також варто нагадати Марка Безручка, українського захисника Замостя від східної навали.

У часах міжвоєнного двадцятиріччя наші ідейні попередники, таки як Станіслав Пясецкій, Войцєх Васютинський та Адам Добошинський, часто стаючи проти офіційної та шкідливої політики уряду Другої Річі Посполитої, пропагували майбутню співпрацю Польщі та незалежної України. Треба також пам’ятати що власне дякуючи генералові Владиславові Андерсові жовніри УНА не вмерли від радянських рук, незважаючи, що частина з них вбивала поляків у Пеняцької Гуті. Нагадаємо також Павла Шандрука, офіцера війська УНР, також контрактного офіцера нашої армії, який у 1939 році відважно змагався із нашими ворогами, так само як і десятки тисяч інших українських жовнірів. Він був відзначений найвищою польського нагородою - орденом Virtuti Militari за врятування польських відділів під Томашовом Любельским. Також найновіша історія показує, що польсько-українські відносини можуть бути добрими. У 1991 році Польща була першою країною на світі, яка визнала незалежну Україну. Поляки підтримували Українців підчас Помаранчевої Революції, тисячі українців сьогодні спокійно працює та вчиться у нашої Батьківщині. Наша спільна історія це не тільки війни, це також сотні літ мирного співіснування та братньої співпраці, та не можна про це забувати.

Важним питанням, яке повинні вирішити наші народи є національні меншості - польська в Україні та українська в Польщі. Ця друга має сьогодні багато прав - в Польщі є школи із українською мовою, в Перемишлі діє Український Народний Дім. Нам, польськім націоналістам, це у нічому не перешкоджає. Ми поважаємо право українців на розвиток власної свідомості, також на території нашої держави. Адже ми чекаємо на такі кроки з боку української держави. Поляки на Україні повинні мати право вивчати польську мову у школі, користатися єю там де вони становлять істотну меншість та заховувати власну культуру. Століттями, разом із Вами вони створювали історію цих регіонів та повинні сьогодні теж мати можливість це робити. Варто нагадати, що й сьогодні вони протестують у Ваших проти бандитської системи.

Не можна заперечити, що частина західної Україні століттями була пов’язаною із Польщею. Місто Львів має у польської історії особливе місце. Досі ми пов'язані із цім містом великим сентиментам, багато важливих подій нашої історії відбулася у цьому місті, у ньому народилось багато великих поляків. Адже наші почуття не скеровані проти Україні. Ми повністю визнаємо непорушність кордонів. Маргіналів, що кричать про ревізію межі важко трактувати поважно. Цього ж самого - визнання непорушності нашого кордону ми чекаємо і від Вас. Ми віримо, що поляка у Львові не зустріне ворожа постава, незважаючи на історичні події, а братське ставлення. Ми також віримо, що будова та зміцнення української національної свідомості не вимагає знищення багатьох польських пам’ятників культури та історії у місті, таких як Цвинтар Орлят, дорогих серцу кожного поляка.

Польща та Україна стоять сьогодні перед подібними, важливими проблемами. Разом ми повинні поставити опір російському імперіалізму. Зацікавлення Росії, ослабленої розпадом СРСР західними кордонами радянської імперії досі є міцним. Сьогодні це дуже видно в Україні. Якщо влада в Україні буде повністю під контролем Росії, наша країна буде оточеною з трьох сторін військом неоімперіальної Росії.

Ліком проти російської загрози не є та не буде занепалий Захід. Євросоюз не є та не буде відповіддю на цю проблему. Сьогодні минуло вже 10 років від часу як Польща стала частиною ЄС. Польські закони пише Брюссель, економічна ситуація нашої країни також не покращилася. Європейська еліта під керівництвом Німеччини (яка є близьким союзником Росії) хоче й дали обмежувати національну суверенність. Також, ЄС змушує європейські народи до прийняття шкідливих культурних зразків та законів, примушує до поширення привілеїв для сексуальних девіантів, виганяє релігію з життя спільноти, применшує роль національних спільнот у створюванні європейської спадщини. Демократії в ЄС все менше та менше - рішення піднімають у Брюсселі та Берліні, голос народів з референдумів відкидається, якщо їх виник не подобається влади. Так було у 2005 році в Франції та Голландії, в 2009 - в Ірландії.

Що істотного зробив ЄС для України підчас Майдану? Чому банкрутуюча Греція отримує сотні мільярдів євро, ЄС не запропонував корисних та конкуренційних із російськими пропозицій для України? Відповідь є дуже проста: Захід не турбується Україною. ЄС не буде вмирати за Київ!

Незважаючи на швидкоплинні жести, яки розраховані тільки щоб провокувати Москву, також американці не зацікавлені у безінтересної підтримці незалежніцких ідей Центральної та Східної Європи, що вже відчули на своєї шкіри поляки. США давно вже поменшують свою присутність на Старому Континенті.

У цьому контексті Польща, у якої панує згода щодо співпраці з Україною, разом із балтійськими країнами та Швецією буде вашим справжнім союзником. Ви повинні знати, що крім наших народів нікому не залежить на нашої співпраці в Центральної Європі. Тим часом, сам демографічний потенціал Польщі та України разом можна порівняти із потенціалом Німеччини чи Росії.

Польщу та Україну об’єдную спільнота інтересів. Ми хочемо в правді, по-християнськи вибачити та лишити за собою все що було погане, а для кращого майбутнього будувати міцне та дружні сусідські відносини. Польща з повагою дивиться на Вашу боротьбу. Хочемо вірити: сьогодні Київ, завтра Варшава, а за нами підуть і інші європейські столиці! Надійшов час викинуть олігархічну мафію, яка керую нашими країнами та будувати Європу Вільних Народів!

Нехай Бог благословить Україні та Польщі!

Редакція „Національної Політики"
Переклад Антон Ґівойна.

Rysio писал(а):
I am not sure this is true answer from ‘Pravyj Sektor’ on mentioned above by Narimantas letter published on Narodowcy.net site.

http://vk.com/public62043361?w=wall-620 ... 1_00%2Frev


Very interesting indeed. :-:ok:-: :-:ok:-:

Honestly, there is no sensible alternative to such a union. That's why more and more people lean toward it.

(Although in my opinion including the South (Romania, Croatia, etc) is key to its survival on the modern world)


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 мар 2014, 10:31 
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Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2010, 12:58
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Woloh писал(а):
Very interesting indeed. :-:ok:-: :-:ok:-:

Только сначала надо
32123.jpg [ 44.36 КБ | Просмотров: 29259 ]

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 мар 2014, 14:09 
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Оранжевые штаны

Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2013, 20:45
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:17, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 мар 2014, 21:51 
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Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2014, 21:34
Сообщения: 2
Smutne jest to, że aby się ze sobą porozumieć, używamy języka angielskiego :[
Bardzo dobry pomysł i popieram inicjatywę:]
W referendum zagłosowałbym na tak
Mam nadzieję, że dożyję chwili w której te mapki będą rzeczywistością

Translate google... sorry

Сумна тое, што для таго, каб мець зносіны адзін з адным, мы выкарыстоўваем англійская мова :[
Вельмі добрая ідэя, і я падтрымліваю ініцыятыву:]
На рэферэндуме па так zagłosowałbym
Я спадзяюся, што дажыву да таго часу, у якім гэтыя карты будзе рэальнасцю

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 мар 2014, 22:57 
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Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2014, 21:34
Сообщения: 2
Zachód swoją asertywnością po raz kolejny zachęcił Putina do podjęcia następnych kroków:/
Władimir Władimirowicz zapewne zaśmiał się, gdy usłyszał, jakie sankcje nakłada UE na Rosję.
Jest to najgorszy z możliwych wyborów. Trzeba uderzyć szybko i mocno albo wcale. Teraz dają czas rosyjskim oligarchom na wycofanie jak największej ilości gotówki z państw grożących sankcjami.
Ponadto jest to na rękę Putinowi
Podejrzewam, że mało osób zdaje sobie sprawę, że dzięki silnemu osłabieniu rubla budżet rosyjski zamiast deficytu, będzie miał nadwyżkę, a co za tym idzie więcej rubli na armię. Niestety wygląda na to, że upiekł kilka pieczeni na jednym ogniu.
Zdestabilizował Ukrainę, przejął Krym, podwyższył ceny ropy na światowych giełdach i obniżył kurs rubla.
Wszystko zaplanowane i zrealizowane...
Coż znaczy utrzymywanie Krymu, przy duzo większych zyskach w rublach z eksportu.
Przy tak dużych rezerwach walutowych (480mld dol) jedynie poważne sankcje gospodarcze mogłyby zachwiać rublem i dalej całą rosyjską gospodarką... a tak EU zrobiła dokładnie to czego oczekiwał. Dzieki mizernym sankcjom, rubel ustabilizowal sie na niskim poziomie, co oznacza ze nie trzeba wydawać rezerw na obronę kursu i po zamianie petrodolarów na ruble te drugie się rozmnożyły.

Na dzień dzisiejszy ropa brent kosztuje 106 dol/ baryłkę, tylko i wyłącznie tak nisko, ponieważ USA uwalnia część swoich strategicznych rezerw. W szczytowym momencie kryzysu ukraińskiego kosztowała ponad 112 dol/baryłkę

W ogólnym rozrachunku, Putin jest zdecydowanie górą i mimo, że w dłuższej perspektywie nie wróżę FR rozkwitu gospodarczego, a raczej powolne staczanie się... to jednak w danej chwili wybronił Rosję od stagnacji. Zrobił w bardzo krótkim czasie to co Japonia próbuje od dwóch dekad:
Zwiększył zyski z eksportu w rublach
Ograniczył import poprzez osłabienie waluty (towary zagraniczne stały się droższe), a więc wspomógł krajowe firmy, bo jednak trzeba coś kupować
Następstwem tego będzie wzrost inflacji, i chociaż ta bron jest obosieczna, to jednak i to wyjdzie Rosji na plus. Dzięki wyższym cenom (przez spadek importu, podaż mniejsza od popytu), będą wyższe wpływy do budżetu ( podatek np 20% od 15 rubli jest większy niż od 10 rubli)
Więcej pieniędzy na renty, emerytury, socjal, a przede wszystkim na aparat państwowy i resorty siłowe.
Można się cieszyć, że koszt obsługi długu zagranicznego wzrośnie, ale za to krajowego spadnie...

Suma Sumarum... albo uderzyć w Rosję na prawdę mocno, albo wcale. Tak więc w surowce (ograniczenia importu) i kapitał (zamrożenie aktywów, ogłoszenie zawieszenia obrotu akcjami wszystkich rosyjskich spółek od dnia następnego na wszystkich zachodnich giełdach, co spowoduje paniczną wyprzedaż i zrobić to... a później gdy wszystko się uspokoi... cóż wykupić za śmiesznie niską cenę:] )

Na dzień dzisiejszy niestety prawie na wszystkich frontach wygrywa Putin:/

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 18 мар 2014, 04:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Fatality писал(а):
Zachód swoją asertywnością po raz kolejny zachęcił Putina do podjęcia następnych kroków:/

Welcome to Brama, Fatality!

I think you are overestimating Russia a bit, and the effect the West tried to produce. The goal wasn't to destroy Russia, but to slam its hands, push it into the right direction, and stabilize the situation.

First, re the effect on the Russian economy. Take a look at the economic growth in Russia. It's already = 0 due to an utterly corrupted and unreformed fossil fuel based economy. Bad enough for a developing economy. And after the Crimean [mis]adventure it's likely to become negative by the year's end. What it means? It means there's not enough $$$ for all oligarchs any more. Someone has to die. Now they become like spiders locked in a box - they start biting each other without any Western involvement.

Second, re the sanctions. The goal has never been to undermine Russia, but rather to hurt some very specific individuals. And this is much more painful. Right now they've chosen some noticeable but hardly important dudes. However, they gave a clear indication that the same thing will be done to the real owners of Russia if Russia doesn't stop trolling Ukraine.

Matvienko, Surkov, Rogozin, Mizulina - those are expendable clowns.

Yet, once you hear the names of Sechin, Shoigu, Miller, Ivanov, Putin - that will be a completely different story. If Crimea is indeed absorbed by Russia we might see some of them added, Obama has already promised that.

Third, you cannot have a stable Ukraine in a condition of a war with Russia. The trick is to slam Russia's hands and give it a "sit" command, and not to make it explode in uncontrolled barking.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 23 мар 2014, 20:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I did not expect such message. Sorry is beside the point but in my opinion important. I am not sure it is joke or truth.

The sensational statement was made by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Starting from 2014, Mongolia will join the Russian Federation as an autonomous republic.
"For Russia, of course, will benefit from such association - Lavrov commented on the decision. - Despite the fact that during the Soviet period, Mongolia was subsidised by the Soviet Union. The region and the situation have changed today. According to the agency "Xinhua" GDP growth for 2011 was 17.3%, which makes it an absolute economic world leader. For comparison - in China's GDP growth for 2011 was only 9.8%, in Russia - 4.3%. In addition, Mongolia joined the World Trade Organisation in 1997. An added plus is a specially designed program for migration policy between Russia and Mongolia. All those who are now called "guest workers" will be able to work here freely. Thus, we get rid of the increasingly momentum of international conflicts. Yes, and the demographic situation in Mongolia will improve. Now on its entire territory resides 2.755 million people. The density of population - 1.8 people per square kilometre, is eight times lower than in Russia. Well, where is the good? By the way, there will also be deported accustomed to the nomadic life of gypsies. " Recall, Mongolia traditionally exported to Russia, molybdenum, wheat, potato and goat during the Soviet Union days and will start to do so again. The national language of the Mongolian region will remain Mongolian (it uses the Cyrillic writing), and in return all schools will teach the Russian language as a compulsory subject. Also in Mongolia will be able to celebrate a new holiday - the day of accession of Russia. It will first be held in May 2014 as that would be the transition date of Mongolia to the Russian federation. for this celebration to be held in the central square of Ulan Bator, preparations have already begun to build a pavilion that will accommodate 10,000 spectators. And the Mongolian Ministry of Education has proposed a program to promote Mongolian culture in Russia. It will include a stay in a yurt, making koumiss and learn Mongolian writing as well as Mongol bichig, an ancient monument which is the Chinggis stone. Here's what he said on this occasion the chairman of the State Great Hural of Mongolia Damdiny Demberel: "Our people have to stick back in those days, which in Russia is called the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In fact, it was not the yoke, but a mutually beneficial cooperation between the two great cultures, which was subsequently terminated artificially. Now we have the opportunity to restore this relationship. The phrase that the Russian and the Mongols - the brothers, not a nice turn, but a fact. In our veins flows the same blood. We are one blood. Old resentments are forgotten for a long time, we'll be together again. And this is the right decision. "

http://www.mad-mongolia.com/news/mongol ... ia-11421/o

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 25 мар 2014, 11:18 
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:17, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Зарегистрирован: 29 май 2011, 12:49
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Narimantas писал(а):
The Intermarium as a part of US strategy

http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/estonia- ... t=readmore

Very American, very rational strategy. :-) For the USA, but not for the emerging Intermarium.

"...using allied countries as the first barrier... combine economy of force and finance and limit the development of Russia ... while exposing the United States to limited and controlled risk...."

Waiting for Azerbaijan's actions in Nagorny Karabach, as a first sign/response.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 25 мар 2014, 16:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Narimantas писал(а):
The Intermarium as a part of US strategy

http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/estonia- ... t=readmore

Thanks, Narimantas. I put it on our front page.

However, I have to agree with a bit of skepticism over Friedman's approach. He suggests a containment curve based on NATO principles. What does this exactly mean? The next time Russia invades Ukraine, then Estonia will strike back on Russia? Well, that's laughable. Or will Poland attack Russia if Russia invades Azerbaijan?

NATO worked because a collective defense of all members was bigger that that of the USSR. And, more importantly, NATO members were indeed ready to fight the Soviets if those attacked any member.

Who is ready to fight Russia today? Not even America...


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 25 мар 2014, 16:31 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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IMO, Friedman is too much "old school". He still lives in the 20th century, while we are already in the 21st.

The trick is the following: how to make resources of the entire region available to its every member when an outsider attacks it, and thus making the cost of a potential attack not worthy a reward?

The old concepts of "military alliances", "confederations", "federations", etc don't work in this case - unfortunately. Hungary will not go to die for Latvia, or Slovakia for Georgia.

In my view, the answer might lie in new "network" principles of operations, and fostering of new non-governmental institutions like "private armies", or even "NGO-type armies".


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 27 мар 2014, 11:51 
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:17, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 20 апр 2014, 22:22 
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:18, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 20 апр 2014, 23:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 29 май 2011, 12:49
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Narimantas писал(а):
Today, I've finished 35 years. I'm announcing my candidate for position of President of Poland, to rebuild an empire in Europe. Please visit prezydent.org.pl where I will post new informations daily.

Happy birthday to you.

Spqr.gif [ 27.42 КБ | Просмотров: 28936 ]
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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 21 апр 2014, 18:20 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Good luck Narimantas. Spread the word!


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 май 2014, 17:07 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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This is what I have found on Stratfor site.

By George Friedman
I will be leaving this week to visit a string of countries that are now on the front line between Russia and the European Peninsula: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Azerbaijan. A tour like that allows you to look at the details of history. But it is impossible to understand those details out of context. The more I think about recent events, the more I realize that what has happened in Ukraine can only be understood by considering European geopolitics since 1914 -- a hundred years ago and the beginning of World War I.
In The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman wrote a superb and accurate story about how World War I began. For her it was a confluence of perception, misperception, personality and decisions. It was about the leaders, and implicit in her story was the idea that World War I was the result of miscalculation and misunderstanding. I suppose that if you focus on the details, then the war might seem unfortunate and avoidable. I take a different view: It was inevitable from the moment Germany united in 1871. When it happened and exactly how it happened was perhaps up to decision-makers. That it would happen was a geopolitical necessity. And understanding that geopolitical necessity gives us a framework for understanding what is happening in Ukraine, and what is likely to happen next.
The German Problem
The unification of Germany created a nation-state that was extraordinarily dynamic. By the turn of the 20th century, Germany had matched the British economy. However, the British economy pivoted on an empire that was enclosed and built around British interests. Germany had no such empire. It had achieved parity through internal growth and exports on a competitive basis. This was just one of the problems Germany had. The international economic system was based on a system of imperial holdings coupled with European industrialism. Germany lacked those holdings and had no politico-military control over its markets. While its economy was equal to Britain's, its risks were much higher.
Economic risk was compounded by strategic risk. Germany was on the North European Plain, relatively flat, with only a few north-south rivers as barriers. The Germans had the Russians to the east and the French to the west. Moscow and Paris had become allies. If they were to simultaneously attack Germany at a time of their choosing, Germany would be hard-pressed to resist. The Germans did not know Russo-French intentions, but they did know their capabilities. If there was to be war, the Germans had to strike first in one direction, achieve victory there and then mass their forces on the other side.
When that war would be fought, which strategy the Germans chose and ultimately whether it would succeed were uncertainties. But unlike Tuchman's view of the war, a war that began with a German strike was inevitable. The war was not the result of a misunderstanding. Rather, it was the result of economic and strategic realities.
The Germans struck against the French first but failed to defeat them. They were therefore trapped in the two-front war that they had dreaded, but they were at least fully mobilized and could resist. A second opportunity to implement their strategy occurred in the winter of 1917, when an uprising took place against the Russian czar, who abdicated on March 15, 1917. (Germany actually set the revolution in motion in March by repatriating Lenin back to Russia via the infamous sealed train car.) There was serious concern that the Russians might pull out of the war, and in any case, their military had deteriorated massively. A German victory there seemed not only possible, but likely. If that happened, and if German forces in Russia were transferred to France, it was likely that they could mass an offensive that would defeat the British and French.
In April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany. There were multiple reasons, including the threat that German submarines might close the Atlantic to American shipping, but also the fear that events in Russia might defeat the allies. The United States had a deep interest in making certain that the Eurasian landmass would not fall under the control of any single nation. The manpower, resources and technology under the control of the Germans would more than outmatch the United States. It could not live with a German victory, and therefore within a year it had sent more than a million men to Europe and helped counter the German offensive after the October 1917 Russian Revolution pulled Russia from the war. The peace treaty ceded Ukraine to the Germans, placing Russia in danger if the Germans defeated the Anglo-French alliance. Ultimately, the American intervention defeated the Germans, and the Russians regained Ukraine.
The American intervention was decisive and defined American strategy in Eurasia for a century. It would maintain the balance of power. As the balance shifted, Washington would increase aid and, if absolutely necessary, intervene decisively in the context of an existing and effective military alliance.
World War II was fought similarly. The Germans, again in a dangerous position, made an alliance with the Soviets, assuring a single-front war, and this time defeated France. In due course, Germany turned on Russia and attempted to dominate Eurasia decisively. The United States was first neutral, then provided aid to the British and Russians, and even after entering the war in December 1941 withheld its main thrust until the last possible moment. The United States did invade North Africa, Sicily and the rest of Italy, but these were marginal operations on the periphery of German power. The decisive strike did not occur until June 1944, after the German military had been significantly weakened by a Soviet army heavily supplied by the United States. The decisive campaign in northern Europe lasted less than a year, and was won with limited U.S. losses compared to the other combatants. It was an intervention in the context of a powerful military alliance.
In the Cold War, the Soviet Union positioned itself by creating deep buffers. It held the Baltics, Belarus and Ukraine as its first line of defense. Its second defensive tier consisted of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. In addition, the Soviet buffer moved to the center of Germany on the North German Plain. Given history, the Soviets needed to create as deep a buffer as possible, and this line effectively precluded an attack on the Soviet Union.
The American response was more active than in the first two wars, but not as decisive. The United States positioned forces in West Germany in the context of a strong military alliance. This alliance was likely insufficient to block a Soviet attack. The United States promised the delivery of additional troops in the event of war and also guaranteed that if needed, it was prepared to use nuclear weapons to stop a Soviet attack.
The model was in that sense similar. The hope was to maintain the balance of power with minimal American exposure. In the event the balance broke, the United States was prepared to send substantially more troops. In the worst case, the United States claimed to be prepared to use decisive force. The important thing to note was that the United States retained the option to reinforce and go nuclear. The Soviets never attacked, in part because they didn't need to -- they were not at risk -- and in part because the risk associated with an attack was too high.
Thus, the United States followed a consistent strategy in all three wars. First, it avoided overexposure, limiting its presence to the minimum needed. The United States wasn't present in World War I until very late. In World War II, America's presence consisted of peripheral operations at relatively low cost. In the Cold War, it positioned a force sufficient to convince the Soviets of American intent, but always under its control and always poised for full intervention at the latest opportune time, with minimal losses, in the context of an effective military alliance.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the revolutions of 1989 stripped away the buffers that the Soviets had captured in World War II. Their strategic position was worse than it was before the world wars or even since the 17th century. If the inner buffer, the Baltics, Belarus or Ukraine, were to become hostile and part of a Western alliance system, the threat to Russia would be overwhelming. The Baltics were admitted to NATO and the alliance was now less than 100 miles from St. Petersburg. If Ukraine and Belarus went the same route, then the city of Smolensk, once deep in the Soviet Union and the Russian empire, would be a border town, and the distance to Moscow from NATO territory would be 250 miles.
The mitigating factor was that NATO was weak and fragmented. This was not much of a consolation for the Russians, who had seen Germany transform from a weak and fragmented country in 1932 to a massive power by 1938. Where there is an industrial base, military capability can be rapidly generated and intentions can change overnight. Therefore, for Russia, preventing the Western alliance system from absorbing Ukraine was critical, as the events of previous months have shown.
The U.S. Approach
The American strategy in Europe remains the same as it was in 1914: to allow the European balance of power to manage itself. Public statements aside, the United States was comfortable with the weakness of European powers so long as the Russians were also weak. There was no threat of a hegemon emerging. The American strategy was, as always, to let the balance maintain itself, intervene with any aid needed to maintain the balance and intervene militarily in the context of a robust alliance at the decisive moment and not before.
It follows from this that the United States is not prepared to do more than engage in symbolic efforts right now. The Russian military may be able to capture Ukraine, although the logistical challenges are serious. But the United States is not in a position to deploy a decisive defensive force in Ukraine. The shift in the European balance of power is far from decisive, and the United States has time to watch the situation develop.
At this point, the United States is likely prepared to increase the availability of weapons to the countries I will visit, along with Bulgaria and the Baltics. But the United States' problem is that its historical strategy relies on the existence of a significant military force, and where multiple countries are involved, a working alliance. It is pointless for the United States to provide weapons to countries that will not cooperate with each other and are incapable of fielding sufficient force to use these weapons.
Since the events in Ukraine, many European countries have discussed increased defense spending and cooperation. It is not clear that NATO is a vehicle for this cooperation. As we saw during the meetings between U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's willingness to engage in assertive action is limited. In southern Europe, the economic crisis still rages. The appetite of the British and French or the Iberians to become involved is limited. It is hard to see NATO playing an effective military role.
The United States looks at this as a situation where the exposed countries must take decisive steps. For the United States, there is no emergency. For Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Azerbaijan, along with the other countries along the buffer line, there is not yet an emergency. But one could materialize with surprising speed. The Russians are not intrinsically powerful, but they are more powerful than any of these countries alone, or even together. Given American strategy, the United States would be prepared to begin providing aid, but substantial aid requires substantial action on the part of the buffer countries.
The first and second world wars were about the status of Germany in Europe. That was what the Cold War was about as well, although framed in a different way. We are once again discussing the status of Germany. Today it has no western threat. The eastern threat is weak, far away and potentially more of an ally than a threat. The force that drove Germany in two world wars is not there now. Logically, it has little reason to take risks.
The American fear of a Eurasian hegemon is also a distant one. Russia is far from being able to pose that kind of threat. It is still struggling to regain its buffers. Just as Germany is not prepared to engage in aggressive actions, the United States will continue its century-old strategy of limiting its exposure for as long as possible. At the same time, the buffer countries face a potential threat that prudence requires they prepare for.
However, it is not clear that the Russian threat will materialize, and it is not clear that, rhetoric aside, the Russians have the political will to act decisively. The buffer states' optimal solution would be a massive NATO intervention. That won't happen. The second best would be a massive American intervention. That won't happen either. The buffer states want to shift the cost of their defense to others -- a rational strategy if they can achieve it.
The impersonal forces of geopolitics are driving Russia to try to retake its critical borderland. Having done that, the nations bordering Russian power will not know how far the Russians will try to go. For Russia, the deeper the buffer, the better. But the deeper the buffer, the higher the cost of maintaining it. The Russians are not ready for any such move. But over time, as their strength and confidence grow, their actions become less predictable. When facing a potential existential threat, the prudent action is to overreact.
The buffer states need to arm and ally. The United States will provide a degree of support, regardless of what the Germans, and therefore NATO, do. But the basic decision is in the hands of the Poles, Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians, Serbians and Azerbaijanis, along with those in the other buffer states. Some, like Azerbaijan, have already made the decision to arm and are looking for an alliance. Some, like Hungary, are watching and waiting. Mark Twain is supposed to have said, "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme." There is a rhyme that we can hear. It is in its early stages and few are yet locked into a course as Germany was in 1914. The forces are beginning to gather, and if they do, they will not be controlled by good will.
I will be listening for that rhyme on this trip. I need to see if it is there. And if it is, I need to see if those most at risk to its verses hear it too. I will let you know what I hear.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 май 2014, 18:30 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Thanks Rysio for this spot-on reference! Very interesting.

Friedman consistently works on some kind of a regional alliance in Intermarium - and this is positive. However, imo, he keeps on making two mistakes:

1) He continuously cannot define the key players that he needs to focus on. In my view these are four - Poland, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania. Keep working on these four and don't disperse your efforts. Instead, he keeps dragging Turkey, Serbia, Azerbaijan, etc, etc. So, he is often more reactive to the last political (often populist) statements, rather than sticks to a strategy. This is a mistake.

2) He keeps thinking of some kind of a military political alliance in Intermarium. This is a 19th century mentality. What the region rather needs is some kind of a legal framework for an independent mechanism to unite resources of the entire region.

Like private armies, drone armies, etc, etc. Not under a flag of nation-countries, but rather on a contract with with them, within a clearly defined international legal framework.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 май 2014, 22:30 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I understand Mr. Friedman more or less so: you must arm yourself because nobody will help you if you don’t help yourself. America will not dissolve for you your problems; America can only help you to achieve goals. What is worrying me it is statement that America subordinates the size of the help from the reaction of the Germany. Friedman gently pushes us to creation of the confederacy. We must only listen his advices. We don’t need to realize all of his visions but the direction we already know, that’s why all we meet together on Brama.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 май 2014, 22:35 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Can't disagree with you :-):


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 май 2014, 23:27 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2013, 20:45
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:18, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 07 май 2014, 00:59 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Narimantas писал(а):

I think it becomes clear to everyone on all sides.

Narimantas писал(а):
We must restore The Crown of The Commonwealth.

God help us if we don't.



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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 07 май 2014, 11:35 
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Зарегистрирован: 29 май 2011, 12:49
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...In April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany...The American intervention was decisive and defined American strategy in Eurasia for a century. It would maintain the balance of power. As the balance shifted, Washington would increase aid and, if absolutely necessary, intervene decisively in the context of an existing and effective military alliance.

World War II was fought similarly. ... The decisive strike did not occur until June 1944, after the German military had been significantly weakened by a Soviet army heavily supplied by the United States. The decisive campaign in northern Europe lasted less than a year, and was won with limited U.S. losses compared to the other combatants.

In the Cold War...the model was in that sense similar. The hope was to maintain the balance of power with minimal American exposure.

Thus, the United States followed a consistent strategy in all three wars.

The American strategy in Europe remains the same as it was in 1914...to let the balance maintain itself, intervene with any aid needed to maintain the balance and intervene militarily in the context of a robust alliance at the decisive moment and not before.

Rysio писал(а):
I understand Mr. Friedman more or less so: you must arm yourself because nobody will help you if you don’t help yourself. America will not dissolve for you your problems; America can only help you to achieve goals.

So, let me specify.

America can only help you to achieve American goals.

Все хотят добра. Не отдавайте его.(с)

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 07 май 2014, 14:53 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I have nothing against American goals as long as they tie in with Polish and countries of the future Intermarium goals. I understand that Americans want something to reach additionally but if this will not collide with our goals I am pro such cooperation because in short we need their help. If we believe Friedman Americans would be able to promote creation of the Intermarium as contrasted with Russia which fight with this idea from centuries.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 07 май 2014, 15:48 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
I am not sure this is true answer from ‘Pravyj Sektor’ on mentioned above by Narimantas letter published on Narodowcy.net site.

http://vk.com/public62043361?w=wall-620 ... 1_00%2Frev

Interesting development.

The head of a right-positioned party Svoboda - one from the ruling coalition - Oleh Tyahnybok said that Putin tries to chop off the Ukrainian South to prevent creation of the Baltic-Black Sea Union, i.e. Intermarium:

"России нужен юг Украины, чтобы не допустить создания Балто-Черноморского Союза, - Тягнибок"


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 07 май 2014, 19:38 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
I have nothing against American goals as long as they tie in with Polish and countries of the future Intermarium goals.

I totally agree.

Expecting that "someone will do your job for you" is utterly naive.

It is quite obvious that today the main problem of Intermarium is not America, but Russia and its internal degradation. America and China could help us counter that threat, why not to use it?


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 08 май 2014, 16:49 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Last time I have found article regarding future possible cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the sphere of the arms industry. It would be nice if politicians will not spoil such cooperation.

http://forsal.pl/artykuly/794868,motor- ... olsce.html

Gigant lotniczy Motor Sicz rozmawia z PZL Świdnik w sprawie montażu śmigłowców Mi-2 i Sokół. W grę wchodzi też współpraca w innych dziedzinach branży zbrojeniowej.
The giant air-MotorSicz speaks with PZL Swidnik in the matter of the assembly helicopters Me-2 and the Falcon. Into the game enters also the cooperation in other spheres of the arms-line.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 08 май 2014, 17:01 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Yep, it's been all over Ukrainian news

http://korrespondent.net/business/compa ... v-v-polshe


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 11 май 2014, 17:11 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2013, 20:45
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 17:19, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 май 2014, 22:54 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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It is worth to read I suppose.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardmini ... not-obama/

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 29 май 2014, 14:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Another interesting interview with Friedman.

Ameryka ma problem z Niemcami
America has problem with Germany

http://www.rp.pl/artykul/107684,1113558 ... i.html?p=1

Sorry I have no time to translate.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 29 май 2014, 16:55 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Thanks as always, pan Rysio :uch_tiv: .

You are our conduit into the Polish press! Our guys have already started to share the link.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 05 июн 2014, 22:04 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I have found something to watch.
http://www.tvn24.pl/wideo/george-friedm ... 89337.html

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 05 июн 2014, 23:39 
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Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2014, 23:18
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Откуда: The Crown
One of the main Intarmarium conceptions in Poland:
Clever and well-written analysis of current european situation.

Middleseas. Międzymorze. Междуморье.
Make it happen.
Middleseas Patriots - Facebook.com

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 июн 2014, 09:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 09:56
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Patriot писал(а):
One of the main Intarmarium conceptions in Poland:
Clever and well-written analysis of current european situation.

Thanks, very good. Welcome to us.

Фракция любителей альпинизма им. Р.Меркадера

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 июн 2014, 14:46 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):

Interesting interview, thanks! Friedman is good, but his vision is somehow incomplete. I still have a strong feeling that he keeps thinking within an old paradigm, while we need some kind of innovative solutions


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 июн 2014, 18:41 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Yes, probably you are right.
But I have such strange filling that Friedman is a White House messenger. He is trying to show to us the way which we should to choose. Poland and rest of future Intermarium countries are too week and too poor to play this game alone. Most probably we have two options. We will take an American offer or we will try to do it without them. USA will make a deal if the approach their own goals. For me the most important is to create Intermarium. Then we will buy a time to polish our legislation. If we start to argue on the very beginning I afraid we will lose.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 июн 2014, 19:41 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
Yes, probably you are right.
But I have such strange filling that Friedman is a White House messenger. He is trying to show to us the way which we should to choose. Poland and rest of future Intermarium countries are too week and too poor to play this game alone. Most probably we have two options. We will take an American offer or we will try to do it without them. USA will make a deal if the approach their own goals. For me the most important is to create Intermarium. Then we will buy a time to polish our legislation. If we start to argue on the very beginning I afraid we will lose.

I'd rather say he is a messenger of just one wing within a Republican party. His think tank is GOP focused. Same as Brzezinski is Democrats focused (only on a much higher level).

Here is the thing - a typical old-school confederation in Intermarium is impossible. We all know that. It will sink in internal ramblings, and it's normal - different nations will always have different opinions on nearly everything. Moreover, an old-school military union that Friedman is dreaming of is also impossible. If not for political, than for mere technical reasons.

Question is: how do you create a structure where this variability of nation-states is not a weakness, but a strength. Where our variation of "national DNA codes", variation of different opinions, different economic approaches, different political preferences, different national judgements, different value combinations results in a superior outcome, as opposed to inferior lagging behind other regions?

It is very likely, that a vast variability, vast spectrum of independent national niches, national paths needs to be balanced out by some new elements where international, rigid, unified trumps national, different, independent.

We almost need an evolutionary structure of a new type, same way as the noble republic that we had centuries ago was a completely new evolutionary thing that was previously unheard of, and looked almost ridiculous for the absolutist middle-aged Europe.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 06 июн 2014, 20:47 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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I'll give you an example of such a possible evolution.

As we know from school, exoskeleton (the external skeleton) was the first dominant evolutionary form of skeleton in living creatures. All those arthropods ruled the Earth back then. Overtime, evolution has produced a more advanced form of skeleton - endoskeleton (the internal skeleton). It first appeared in fish, was more flexible, and provided better growth opportunities. As a result, today the Earth is dominated by creatures with an endoskeleton (which has another evolutionary achievement - a backbone, a vertebra):


Now think of modern countries, or unions. Most of them are preoccupied (and limited) by their borders that contain and protect the internal national substance. Like an exoskeleton. The world has reached the stage when changing of borders is nearly impossible, or causes a massive backlash from the rest (see Crimea). In such a world Poland, or Belarus are doomed to forever stay on the level of insignificance, since conquest is ruled out, and a merger leads to the loss of the cherished national substance for both participants.

Now imagine transnational, transborder cities. Those that stay outside of the national jurisdictions, they bring no threat to national substances since they are separated from them, and yet those cities perform the role of international connectors, supernodes between national substances because they feed from them.

A possible network of such transborder cities could perform the role of a vertebra in a new kind of an international union - a network union.


A union like this doesn't depend on entrance, or exit of individual countries. Each country builds its own relationship with "a vertebra", connects to it in a unique way. For this reason, a crises like with Greece in the EU would be no threat at all. Entrance, or exit of individual members is nothing more than a peripheral inconvenience that does not jeopardize principles of the main structure. Nor a war like today in Donbass would be a problem. The structure wouldn't be threatened even if the whole Donbass is let go for whatever reason. Developments in each nation-state are a factor just for this nation-state.

Centralized unified functions could be determined and organized by a vertebra (by a network of trans-cities) - like defense through private armies, or energy union through a unified representation, etc. Whether to use those functions, or not is a decision of each individual nation state.

In other words, we need to introduce a new supra-national element (a vertebra) into the equation of national states to make it balanced.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 12 июн 2014, 19:07 
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Зарегистрирован: 05 июн 2014, 23:18
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Откуда: The Crown
Koncepcja Friedmana jest oczywiście proamerykańska.
Całe Międzymorze jak i Polska jest w niej nieoficjalnie satelitą amerykańską..
W każdym razie lepsze to niż granica niemiecko-rosyjska przebiegająca przez całą Europę Wschodnią.
Dlatego cenię Friedmana za propagowanie idei Międzymorza / Frontu Wschodniego,
jednak wolę, aby inicjatywa stworzenia konfederacji Intermarium szła od wewnątrz.

Friendman's conception is obviously proamerican.
The whole Middleseas as well as Poland is the american sattelite in his conception. Speaking informally.
But it's still better than german-russian border running through the entire Central-Eastern Europe.
This is why I appreciate for propagation of Intermarium / East Front idea.
How ever, I wish that the Middleseas Confederation initiative came from the inside.
We can by in alliance with Americans, of course, but It must be alliance of equivalent partners.

Middleseas. Międzymorze. Междуморье.
Make it happen.
Middleseas Patriots - Facebook.com

Последний раз редактировалось Patriot 14 июн 2014, 23:45, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 12 июн 2014, 23:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Откуда: Минск
Rysio писал(а):
Yes, probably you are right.
But I have such strange filling that Friedman is a White House messenger. He is trying to show to us the way which we should to choose. Poland and rest of future Intermarium countries are too week and too poor to play this game alone. Most probably we have two options. We will take an American offer or we will try to do it without them. USA will make a deal if the approach their own goals. For me the most important is to create Intermarium. Then we will buy a time to polish our legislation. If we start to argue on the very beginning I afraid we will lose.

:a_g_a: :co_ol:

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