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 Заголовок сообщения: Polish children boosting standards among English pupils
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22 May 2012

Результаты исследования показали, что дети польских эмигрантов, пошедшие в английские школы, вытягивают учебу английских сверстников.

Roman Catholic schools in particular have seen a surge in demand for places since the enlargement of the European Union eight years ago.
But while many of the new pupils arrived with little or no English, they do not appear to have held their classmates back even in reading and writing.

And in mathematics, the researchers found evidence that they had a positive influence on the others, the researchers found.

One theory is that the Polish children were better educated than their British counterparts in the first place and that they brought with them the same “work ethos” which brought their families to Britain.

As a result they may have been that they had a positive influence on their peers, it is thought.

The findings come in a study on the impact of non-native speakers on the results of children in English primary schools published by the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) today.
Researchers led by Prof Sandra McNally, a professor of economics at Surrey University, who is also director of the CEP’s research programme on education, looked at data from the English schools census for the years 2005 to 2009.

They found that overall schools with higher a percentage of children for whom English is not their first language tended to get lower scores in maths and English tests during that period.
But when the results were adjusted to take into account factors such as deprivation the researchers concluded that there was no direct link.

The researchers then looked at the results for schools with a higher proportion of white non-native speakers on their rolls which included Eastern European children.
There was a much larger increase in Catholic schools because of the religious affiliation of Polish immigrants.

Catholic schools saw the percentage of white non-native children more than doubled between 2005 and 2009, from about two per cent of nearly 4.5 per cent of all pupils.
The researchers noted that there was no noticeable impact on the English test scores at Catholic schools but a small upturn in maths results.

They estimated that it equates to saying that had the new arrivals increased by 10 per cent it would have pushed their English-born children up one percentile in the overall attainment scale.

Prof McNally said: ”One possibility is that the children catch up fast and they may have other things about them in their own environment that make them good to have in your school, they might have very motivated parents for example.”


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