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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 18:28 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 19:32
Сообщения: 4030
SD писал(а):

А вот это тогда про что Некляев говорит?

...Падобна на тое, што стварэнне расійскай авіябазы ў Беларусі ідзе аперажальнымі тэмпамі. Столькі ваенных самалётаў у беларускім небе я не помню з часоў СССР, калі ляталі аж да берагоў Баранцава мора і вярталіся ў Мачулішчы і Быхаў цяжкія бамбардзіроўшчыкі, страсалі паветра над Баранавічамі і Лідай знішчальнікі, кружылі ў небе над Віцебскам і Гродна транспартна-дэсантныя самалёты...


Нічога ня ведаю. Зрэшты, я на гэта сёньня паўплываць не магу, таму моцна і не цікаўлюся. Будзем вырашаць праблемы па меры іх абвастрэньня. Але ўпэнены: расейская база тут доўга не праіснуе. Нам трэба рабіць сваю справу, тое, што мы можам. Калі Расея не зьбіраецца ваяваць з НАТО, непасрэднай небясьпекі іхная авіябаза для нас не ўяўляе. Ды і нідзе на прасторах Савецкага Саюзу расейскае войска істотна не зашкодзіла зьмене ўлады.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 19:13 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 11:54
Сообщения: 6712
Andrej Cieraszkou' писал(а):
SD писал(а):

А вот это тогда про что Некляев говорит?

...Падобна на тое, што стварэнне расійскай авіябазы ў Беларусі ідзе аперажальнымі тэмпамі. Столькі ваенных самалётаў у беларускім небе я не помню з часоў СССР, калі ляталі аж да берагоў Баранцава мора і вярталіся ў Мачулішчы і Быхаў цяжкія бамбардзіроўшчыкі, страсалі паветра над Баранавічамі і Лідай знішчальнікі, кружылі ў небе над Віцебскам і Гродна транспартна-дэсантныя самалёты...


Нічога ня ведаю. Зрэшты, я на гэта сёньня паўплываць не магу, таму моцна і не цікаўлюся. Будзем вырашаць праблемы па меры іх абвастрэньня. Але ўпэнены: расейская база тут доўга не праіснуе. Нам трэба рабіць сваю справу, тое, што мы можам. Калі Расея не зьбіраецца ваяваць з НАТО, непасрэднай небясьпекі іхная авіябаза для нас не ўяўляе. Ды і нідзе на прасторах Савецкага Саюзу расейскае войска істотна не зашкодзіла зьмене ўлады.

Это не просто военная база, а интегральная часть системы ПВО России. Везде в мире ПВО имеет приоритет в Воздушном Пространстве, а Российское военное подразделение не может находится иначе как под коммандованием России.

Т.е. у Беларуси больше своего воздушного пространства нет. Его лука сдал. Как и транзит. Ради собственного золотого унитаза. Это к слову о необыкновенной изворотливости александра григориевича, пропоненты которой есть в том числе и на Браме.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 19:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
Сообщения: 21809
Откуда: Минск
согласен, сдал суверенитет почти

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 21:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
Сообщения: 106
Do końca roku Ukraina ma podpisać traktat stowarzyszeniowy z UE. Może wtedy wasz prezydent się obudzi i dostrzeże inną drogę, choć to niestety wiązałoby się w krótkim czasie z utratą władzy, więc mam spore wątpliwości.
Jedynie osłabienie Rosji może spowodować jej wycofanie się z Białorusi. To może nastąpić po załamaniu się cen ropy i gazu. Taki scenariusz jest możliwy. Niedługo USA staną się niezależne, jeśli chodzi o ropę a zaraz potem prawdopodobnie zaczną eksportować gaz.
Już teraz w Rosji nie dzieje się najlepiej. Czytałem gdzieś, że są spore szanse na to, że gospodarka Rosji wejdzie w recesje.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 22:08 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 11:54
Сообщения: 6712
Rysio писал(а):
Do końca roku Ukraina ma podpisać traktat stowarzyszeniowy z UE. Może wtedy wasz prezydent się obudzi i dostrzeże inną drogę, choć to niestety wiązałoby się w krótkim czasie z utratą władzy, więc mam spore wątpliwości.
Jedynie osłabienie Rosji może spowodować jej wycofanie się z Białorusi. To może nastąpić po załamaniu się cen ropy i gazu. Taki scenariusz jest możliwy. Niedługo USA staną się niezależne, jeśli chodzi o ropę a zaraz potem prawdopodobnie zaczną eksportować gaz.
Już teraz w Rosji nie dzieje się najlepiej. Czytałem gdzieś, że są spore szanse na to, że gospodarka Rosji wejdzie w recesje.

I wouldn't hold my breath counting on the Russian recession. The sovereign debt to GDP ratio is very low in Russia and even a deep recession will only mean an incremental increase of the Russian government international borrowing that will only make quite a few investment bakers happy in the City of London.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 авг 2013, 22:37 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 11:54
Сообщения: 6712
Монро писал(а):
согласен, сдал суверенитет почти

У кого-то остались вопросы о ставке кремля в 2015 году?

Тут самое время выдвигать идею референдума по воссоединению с Россией с подвопросом о демонтаже института президентства в Беларуси вообще. Бо голый демонтаж будет не протащить.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 14 авг 2013, 13:00 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
Сообщения: 106
Wyszperałem takie informacje na temat Chin.
Ostatnio moją uwagę zwróciły dwie wiadomości z Chin. Pierwsza dotyczy "zawieszenia" podatku VAT dla małych firm, a druga czegoś znacznie ważniejszego - jest to zapowiedź wycofania się z "polityki jednego dziecka" uprawianej od ponad 30 lat
Mruczyk twierdzi też, że "zawieszenie" ma dotyczyć także podatku obrotowego. Wygląda na to, że chińskie władze obawiają się fali bankructw i wzrostu bezrobocia
Chińskie media donoszą, że rząd planuje rozluźnienie w polityce jednego dziecka. Niektórzy sugerują nawet, że w 2015 r. zostanie ona zniesiona
Choćby podany wyżej przykład z prowincji Hebei świadczy o tym, iż nie unikną one głębokiego załamania demograficznego i końca wzrostu gospodarczego. Nastąpi to na moje oko za 10-15 lat.
Jeśli do bumu naftowo-gazowego w USA dojdą problemy w Chinach i spowolnienie ich gospodarki to jak nic mamy duży spadek cen ropy i gazu spowodowany ich nadprodukcją. Rosyjska gospodarka opiera się głównie na ropie i gazie. Podobno zaczęły się rozmowy pomiędzy EU i USA w sprawie tworzenia strefy wolnego handlu. Jeśli tak to to ma na celu miedzy innymi wejście USA z gazem na nasz rynek.

A jakie jest nastawienie samych Białorusinów? Co myślą o ZBiR ( związek Białorusi i Rosji)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 14 авг 2013, 14:04 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
Сообщения: 21809
Откуда: Минск
Rysio писал(а):

A jakie jest nastawienie samych Białorusinów? Co myślą o ZBiR ( związek Białorusi i Rosji)

Примерно 30-40 % за союз с Россией. Примерно 30-40% против союза с Россией.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 14 авг 2013, 14:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 19:32
Сообщения: 4030
Rysio писал(а):
A jakie jest nastawienie samych Białorusinów? Co myślą o ZBiR ( związek Białorusi i Rosji)

Biełarusy ŭmoŭna ničoha nia dumajuć pra ZBiR. Ludzi pryzvyčailisia da dumki, što jany nie ŭpłyvajuć na palityčnyja rašeńni, i treba vyžyvać samastojna. U spravie vyžyvańnia dasiahnuli niemałych pośpiechaŭ. Skažam tak: niejki tam źviaz umoŭna isnuje. Mnie ad hetaha ni chałodna, ni horača, ale, kali ja chaču žyć lepiej, ja mušu skarystacca mahčymaściami, jakia mnie daje žyćcio, ŭ tym liku hety tak zvany źviaz. Možna pajechać pracavać u Maskvu, tam mianie ceniać, movu vučyć nia treba – dobra. Možna z Rasiei tavar pryvozić i na Rasieju adpraŭlać biez mytni – dobra. Aŭtamabil nievyhodna ź Niamieččyny pryvieźci – kiepska, kaniečnie. Ale nie śmiarotna. Za niekalki miesiacaŭ da zaćviardžeńnia novych stavak myta biełarusy zabiaśpiečyli siabie prystojnymi samachodami, staryja pradali ŭ Rasieju i Kazachstan. Zrešty, ŭ kožnaha pierad vačyma niekalki prykładaŭ ludziej sa svajakoŭ ci siabroŭ, jakim načchać na toje myta, jany zarablajuć dastatkova. Kožny bačyć, što žyć možna i niabłaha, treba tolki pracavać u pravilnym nakirunku. Kaniečnie, kali ludziej pytaješ, što im bolš daspadoby, EU ci ZBiR, balšynia vykazvajecca za EU. Ale takoje apytańnie nie razhladajecca, jak dziejańnie, zdolnaje na niešta paŭpłyvać, tak, teoryja. Realnaj alternatyvy niama, EU i Polśća całkam samaŭchililisia ad integracyjnych prajektaŭ. Dy aproč tannych samachodaŭ EU nikoli ničym nia byŭ karysny zvyčajnamu biełarusu, ničoha nia moh prapanavać. Tamu i staviacca da EU jak da Alfy Centaŭra – isnuje niedzie, kamuści ad hetaha, napeŭna, dobra, a nam wszystko jedno. Dobra tam, dzie nas niama.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 11 сен 2013, 12:34 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I have just read this article. Do you know something about this initiative?

Radosław Sikorski przyjął 9 września br. w Warszawie przedstawicieli białoruskiej opozycji. Rozmowy dotyczyły sytuacji środowisk niezależnych na Białorusi oraz planów przeprowadzenia „referendum ludowego”.

W spotkaniu uczestniczyli Aleksander Milinkiewicz, lider Ruchu „Za Wolność” i kandydat opozycji na prezydenta z 2006 roku, Uładzimir Nieklajeu, kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich 2010 roku, Aliaksiej Janukiewicz, przywódca Białoruskiego Frontu Narodowego i Iryna Wiesztard, przewodnicząca Partii „Gramada”.

Goście z Białorusi przedstawili ministrowi Sikorskiemu plan zorganizowania referendum wokół idei reform gospodarczych i społecznych na Białorusi – podpisy na rzecz referendum już są zbierane. – Chcemy, by nasza inicjatywa dotarła do nowej większości, czyli tej części społeczeństwa białoruskiego, która chce reform, ale nie popiera jeszcze opozycji – powiedział lider kampanii „Mów Prawdę” Uładzimir Nieklajeu.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 11 сен 2013, 13:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
Сообщения: 21809
Откуда: Минск
Rysio писал(а):
I have just read this article. Do you know something about this initiative?

Radosław Sikorski przyjął 9 września br. w Warszawie przedstawicieli białoruskiej opozycji. Rozmowy dotyczyły sytuacji środowisk niezależnych na Białorusi oraz planów przeprowadzenia „referendum ludowego”.

W spotkaniu uczestniczyli Aleksander Milinkiewicz, lider Ruchu „Za Wolność” i kandydat opozycji na prezydenta z 2006 roku, Uładzimir Nieklajeu, kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich 2010 roku, Aliaksiej Janukiewicz, przywódca Białoruskiego Frontu Narodowego i Iryna Wiesztard, przewodnicząca Partii „Gramada”.

Goście z Białorusi przedstawili ministrowi Sikorskiemu plan zorganizowania referendum wokół idei reform gospodarczych i społecznych na Białorusi – podpisy na rzecz referendum już są zbierane. – Chcemy, by nasza inicjatywa dotarła do nowej większości, czyli tej części społeczeństwa białoruskiego, która chce reform, ale nie popiera jeszcze opozycji – powiedział lider kampanii „Mów Prawdę” Uładzimir Nieklajeu.

Yes. This is not an opposition. They work for Lukashenko. For legitimation of Lukashenko.
They haven"t influence in Belarus.
I am for boycott.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 11 сен 2013, 15:56 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 19:32
Сообщения: 4030
Manro ŭ svaim repertuary :-)
Tak, jość takaja inicyjatyva. Bolš za toje, heta adzinaja z bolš-mienš kanstruktyŭnych inicyjatyvaŭ, jakaja ciahnie za saboj dziejnaść. Zaraz, praŭda, namalavalasia novaja inicyjatyva ź liberałaŭ i kamunistaŭ :hi_hi_hi: pad starym najmieńniem "Za spraviadlivyja vybary". Heta my ŭžo prachodzili, ludziej hetym nie začepiš. Dalucycca da narodnaha referendumu im zaminajuc asabistyja ambicyi i faktycnaja adsutnasc silau dla dziejnasci. Nia chočuć, kab heta stalasia vidavočnym dla ŭsich. Nu i jość plyń, jakaja z 1999 hodu ŭsio bajkatuje. Jany daŭno ŭžo vypali z hramadzkaha žyćcia i pieratvarylisia navat nie ŭ marginałaŭ, u malutki agresiuny klub pa intaresach. Jaskrava bačna, što palityčnaja siła, jakaja admaŭlajecca ad udziełu ŭ palityčnym žyćci, niepazbiežna vyradžajecca.
Ideja referendumu nie idealnaja, ale ničoha lepšaha, skiravanaha na dyjalog z hramadztvam, nichto nie prydumaŭ. Inicyjatyva adkrytaja dla dalučennia inšych arhanizacyjaŭ. Pradstaŭniki inicyjatyvy ŭžo bolš za paŭhady jeździać pa regijonach i sustrakajucca z ludzmi na miescach. Sustrečy aceńvajucca jak plonnyja, balazie ŭłada daje bahata nahodaŭ dla supracivu.
Darečy cikava, što ŭ inicyjatyvy dahetul niama aficyjnaj staronki ŭ internecie. Jość tolki hrupa ŭ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NarodnyReferendum Bahata było inicyjatyvaŭ, jakija skončylisia pryhožymi sajtami. Tut upor admysłova robicca na žyvy kantakt, sto nielha nie vitać.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 12 сен 2013, 14:57 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Jeśli to miałoby doprowadzić do obudzenia społeczeństwa białoruskiego i zbudowania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego to, choć mam spore obiekcje, co do komunistów to uważam, że trzeba spróbować.

Jeden z blogowiczów ma dodana maksymę - Towarzysze, jechałem czerwonym tramwajem socjalizmu aż do przystanku „Niepodległość”, ale tam wysiadłem. Wy możecie jechać do stacji końcowej, jeśli potraficie, lecz teraz przejdziemy na „Pan”. Józef Piłsudski, 1918
Zawsze jest realny taki scenariusz

Niestety z polskiego doświadczenia wiem, że w strukturach socjalistycznych a tym bardziej komunistycznych Rosja zainstalowała sporą ilość swoich ludzi, którzy będą torpedować jakiekolwiek idee uniezależnienia się od Matuszki Rasiji

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 сен 2013, 21:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
Сообщения: 10060
Hi Rysio,

There can't really be much "awakening" in Belarus. The reality is such that the country is doing quite fine in people's mind comparing to the other republics of the ex-USSR, and even to such EU members and candidates as Romania, Bulgaria, or Serbia.

Look at these numbers from the International Monetary Fund. GDP per capita:
gdp.png [ 123.34 КБ | Просмотров: 17558 ]

Here is the source of data

Compare it to 1992, when according to this graph Belarus was second from the bottom. Now it is in a strong middle, and was one of the only two countries (the other is Poland) which went through the crisis of 2008 without a decline.

Now look at the Human Development Index (combined data from UNESCO, IMF, and World Bank):
HDI.png [ 55.72 КБ | Просмотров: 17558 ]

Source of data

You can see that it exceeds Russia, and by far exceeds any other former republic of the ex-USSR spare Baltics.
Moreover, if you look at the dynamics it's almost the only country whose HDI grew that much that it took over other countries. For most of others HDI grew without changing their position in the ranking.
HDI1.png [ 88.55 КБ | Просмотров: 17558 ]

Source of data

So, even though people are dissatisfied with their current situation, even though the have a Lukashenko fatigue, even though they would probably elect somebody more pro-Western on the elections, it by far doesn't mean that they want to change something substantial in the progress of their lives. There cannot be any awakening, there's nothing to awaken.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 сен 2013, 21:52 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
Сообщения: 10060
Monro is right from the perspective that Brelarusians are much more dissatisfied with useless opposition (with a big chunk of it, yes, being Lukashenko's puppets, including many staunch nationalists - despite their rhetoric).

It is very odd here. Things are often opposite to what they seem to be. A pro-western opposition often seeks backers in Kremlin. A pro-Soviet, pro-Russian Lukashenko appears to be the one who cheated the most on the Russia. From some perspective, he might have done much more for securing of the Belarusian independence than any nationalist would have done in his place.

Look at Ukraine - this is a good comparison. Those guys took all their szablyas in 90s and rushed into a fight with the Russians. As a result, Russians close to annihilated them both economically (look at the data above), and politically (you probably know about their growing rifts between Eastern and Western Ukraine which is largely fueled from Russia). Russians did everything they could to destabilize Ukraine, and subdue it. And they did a pretty good job.

On the opposite - Lukashenko lied to the Russians, promised all kind of pies in the skies to them, kissed them, danced for them, argued with them, etc, etc, etc - everything just to maintain access to cheap energy, and maintain positions on the Russian market. Somebody calculated - Russia provided more $$$ support to Belarus than USA to Israel. Russians already know they can't trust him a single bit, but they can't do anything - he is their last partner in Europe. So he continues to milk them again, and again, and again. Result? Belarus continues to develop even though at Russian expense.

Sikorski and Westerwelle offered 2 bn euro to Lukashenko if he conducted fair elections in 2010. Well, Russia has already invested 60 bn over the last 10 years in the form of rebates, discounts, and loans. EU simply cannot beat that. It doesn't have that much money to dispose.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Idea wspólnej konfederacji Polski i Białorusi
Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 сен 2013, 22:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Until it is possible to milk Russia Lukashenko will stay in power and the political system won't change. The change might come when something breaks inside of Russia, or when Intermarium (Międzymorze) could start offering comparable opportunities.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 13 сен 2013, 22:33 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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I agree with Woloh.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 16 сен 2013, 18:39 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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So in short we cannot count on opposition. Problem is that Luka is a smart player. I know that he divides society in a worst way for you guys. Doctor salary is as I know about 300 $ and tractor driver or harvester thresher driver about 1000 $. That’s why nobody is interested taking of the participation in demonstrations.
I have found some information regarding your economy.
Weak economic results in 2012 show, how Belorussian economy is dependent on from the favorable situation on fields of the narrow group of goods, oil-products and potassic manures. Besides, how showed the last year, the large meaning for the improvement of the form of finance of Belorussia had also blocked in II half-year manipulations at the re-export of oil products. It means that Belorussia is devoid of the strong economic system which is in a position to assure stable earnings to the budget and the indispensable economic growth. The simultaneously consistent blocking any reforms by Lukashenka causes that the success of ambitious macroeconomic coefficients becomes unreal without artificial stimulating of the demand on the internal market. The collection of this type of activities by authorities of Belorussia perhaps – how this took place in 2011 – lead you to the galloping inflation and the intense crisis of finance of the state.
However we cannot forget about factors which are unexpected. Maybe my sample is not good enough but Lukas idea to charge people leaving country for shopping could be such spark. Maybe unexpected explosion of the dissatisfaction can be a moment to abolish authority.
In Poland to start with Intermarium idea we have to change our authority also. Present government is advocate of Berlin unfortunately. Berlin of course as Moscow is not interested to let us create Intermarium but to protect our countries against our “friends” this is the only way.
Not so long ago the Foundation of Friedrich Ebert published German geopolitical screenplays on the foreseeable future. Their point of departure is the program of the American president Barack Obama - pivot is Asia. So: „Eurasia is ours” – seem to speak those experts. Their leitmotiv is thought of the geopolitical farm of the Eurasian geopolitical space in less or more cooperation with Russia. Situated countries between Germany and Russia are treated as „the no man′s land”, as unable to the expression and the realization of the own geopolitical program.

We must try to create Międzymorze.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 17 сен 2013, 05:20 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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That's right, existing opposition is useless (their main value remains in helping to preserve the Belarusian national identity, but that's it). Even if Luka suddenly disappears they are still unlikely to win elections. And even if they do win due to some miracle, it is highly likely they will show very amateurish, primitive type of governance. (Not that Luka is not primitive, but his role is very easy & simple - conservation and avoiding change. Unlike him a pro-Western opposition would need to start reforms and playing the real game against big players, the game they are pretty much guaranteed to lose).

You are totally right. Our region is a bone in a throat of big players. They continuously try, and continuously fail to subdue it. At the same time, we - Intermarium - will never be heard in the world if we don't have enough weight. If you count biggest countries - Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Belarus, Bulgaria, Slovakia - that's already a block bigger than Russia. You would need Croatia too as an access to the Adriatics.

Here we have a small test Facebook page to continue popularizing Intermarium. You know who are the main supporters that subscribe: Romanians, Slovaks, and Croats.

What I think our region needs to do, is to put aside all political differences, and let each player develop independently - make their own mistakes and successes, as well as make sure others learn from them, and ensure free flow of the information. However, we need to agree to few very limited but clearly defined areas where we would establish unquestionable common authority. I would identify three:

1) Joint foreign policy - aka respresentation in international organizations
2) Joint defense - united army
3) Common information area

I think we also need to establish transborder cities between our countries to ensure points of mutual contact.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 26 сен 2013, 16:56 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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For trans-border cities between our countries the best will be Bialystok , town has already emblem with Polish Eagle and Pogon. Last time I have even made a picture.
The biggest problem from my point of view is to convince our nations. As long as border between Poland and Belarus will be closed ( I mean all the difficulties to get VISA – Luka doesn’t want to sign agreement regarding small border traffic) negative emotion will get the upper hand.
The key to realize such idea is weak Russia and situation than Russia will not be able to support Belarus. What is your opinion about Ukraine membership in EU?

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 26 сен 2013, 18:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Откуда: Минск
Bialystok is a good place. I like it.

I do not think that Ukraine can be a member of EU in the future.
May be in 10-20 years.

I am not sure that EU project is a good project. It seems me like a new Empire.

Belarus is situated between two Empires: EU and Russia. Now we almost occupeid by Russia.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 27 сен 2013, 14:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Yes it is truth that EU is like an Empire. Problem is that status of the all countries in such empire is not equal. Here some information which I have found.:
To what draw us these activities? Explains it the French explorer Pierre Hillard which in 2001 published a book under the title „ Minority and regionalisms. Federal Europe of regions. Research over the German plan which will upset Europe”. Author places the argument that we deal with the deeply well-thought-out and consistently realized German action for the decomposition of European nations the withdrawal them to the tribal phase across the utilization and the artificial exaggeration of regional differences and dissimilarities of dialects and to show them as a national differences. The Silesian nation and the Silesian language are a good illustration of the direction of these activities. The similar sentence is the two German authors Walter von Goldendach and Hans-Ruediger Minow ascertaining that a creature of the German policy from Bismark times is the ethnical breaking up of Europe.


The general Pierre-Marias Gallois, the adviser Gen. Charles′a de Gaulle′a and outstanding French geo-politician, affirmed that behind the bloody taking to pieces of Yugoslavia stood German secret services, German money, the German diplomacy and German arms deliveries. This confirm anyway some German authors
As we see, regionalism of Europe is on hand to Germany. Let us not delude ourselves - our westerly neighbors have also their own strategic targets and never threw up plans of domineering of all Europe. The conquest "of disarticulated" regions will be a lot easier, than the conquest of the strong state, with the national, common identity.

That’s why I prefer to build strong confederation with you guys than Germany where small countries will be only neo-colony without right to express own opinion. Almost nothing unit me with Germany and everything unite me to you.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 27 сен 2013, 16:10 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
That’s why I prefer to build strong confederation with you guys than Germany where small countries will be only neo-colony without right to express own opinion. Almost nothing unit me with Germany and everything unite me to you.

Yep, It will be fun to watch the reaction in Brussels and Berlin if one morning Belarus and Poland announce that they create a confederation. What will they do in response?

However, Poland + Belarus and even + Ukraine is not enough to create a really dominant player. A broader approach, and a broader ideology are needed. An ideology capable to produce the next global leader.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 29 сен 2013, 09:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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It will be a panic in Berlin and Brussels.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 29 сен 2013, 18:05 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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I see more and more articles regarding Belarus and our difficult terms in our web sites. It is good , because a lot of yang fellers doesn’t know history. They know only regime TV history versions. This is first step to understand each other and later on to create confederation. Hope in Belarus also will be chance to propagate such idea.
I want to see faces in Berlin :hi_hi_hi: :cool_cool:

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 29 сен 2013, 19:48 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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There are four most important countries for our region: Ukraine, Poland, Romania and Hungary. Any political formular that can unite them is a way to go.

Indeed, Poland and Belarus can show exactly such an example of a confederation that can suit the entire region. It's like a perfect combination: they are simultaneously very different and very much alike.

If Belarus-Poland confederation works, we get a real chance to assemble the entire band


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 18 окт 2013, 21:01 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2013, 20:45
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 16:57, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 16:57, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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All of this looks nice, but I prefer to start from small goals. Predictions are always nice but there are a lot of them. Easy I can find such about Great Russia. So waiting for miracle is a mistake. It is necessary to roll our sleeves up and start acting. Small steps lead us to our goal.
To be honest at the moment we are more and more walk away. Lukshenka is making our contact more and more difficult. Last time I have read article that according him Belarusian doesn’t like west standard of democracy. I was laughing bur I am afraid that still there is a lot people which support him. Our friends in Belarus have to perform hard job to turn round and hold later direction of the changes. We in Poland have to do the same. We have to propagate such idea because Poles doesn’t know about Intermarium.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 18 окт 2013, 23:05 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Yes, I support you.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 18 окт 2013, 23:51 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 окт 2013, 20:45
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Последний раз редактировалось Narimantas 16 ноя 2014, 16:58, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 05:11 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
To be honest at the moment we are more and more walk away. Lukshenka is making our contact more and more difficult. Last time I have read article that according him Belarusian doesn’t like west standard of democracy. I was laughing bur I am afraid that still there is a lot people which support him. Our friends in Belarus have to perform hard job to turn round and hold later direction of the changes. We in Poland have to do the same. We have to propagate such idea because Poles doesn’t know about Intermarium.

I can tell you one thing. Of cause, Lukashenko's "stupid years" had effect on society's mentality. Of cause it pulled the pendulum heavily one way, which only means that the power of gravity will later swing the pendulum the opposite way. But one thing is for sure: if you compare the number of people who are Russia oriented, and those who are EU oriented, by far the dominant majority in Belarus will answer NEITHER!

The potential for the middle way - neither Russia, nor EU - is the highest right now in Belarus.


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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 13:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Yes. It is true.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 15:35 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Slavic people may differ in aproach to economy, free market, historical point of view - but the fundamental are the same - we are Slavic, we are Christians, we are monogamic (in general) and we are in control of best agricultural lands.

Yes , lots and lots links us. No doubt about it. But politics is politics. Lukashenka doesn’t care we are brothers or not. He makes own destructive politics for Belarusians. For him Poland and Poles are enemy. Our history is complicated . Still in Belarus but also in Poland many events are not honestly explained. Even if they are explained , they are not well-known for whole of public. So in our common relations dominate stereotypes and distrust. As Woloh write now Belarusians are divided fifty-fifty. One part is Russia oriented another EU. As you see there is no place at the moment for Confederation. And this is our job to do. To propagate our idea. If we will lose, we become a vassal countries. For me in EU we will be kind of vassals, neo colonies, countries which perform only somebody’s will.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 15:48 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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1.Yes, you are enemies for Lukashenko, but not for belarussians. We dont think so. It is important.

2. We need to make a site or portal for poles and belarussians together. To publish there articles about our common history, points of view polish historians and belarussians. We have to find money for this idea.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 15:53 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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The potential for the middle way - neither Russia, nor EU - is the highest right now in Belarus.

I have found once such article from 2007.
12.5 % Belarusians wants to join their country with Poland, 63, % is against and 24 % has no opinion about it.
I was surprised that such public opinion poll was carried out. It is result of the independent research center NISEPI

Hope one day somebody asks Poles and Belarusians regarding confederacy

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 16:12 
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Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2013, 15:34
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Монро писал(а):
1.Yes, you are enemies for Lukashenko, but not for belarussians. We dont think so. It is important.

2. We need to make a site or portal for poles and belarussians together. To publish there articles about our common history, points of view polish historians and belarussians. We have to find money for this idea.

Monro don’t get me wrong. I know that a lot of Belarusians are very friendly to us. I have been in Belarus several times. But I also know that I can find “extreme nationalists”. And once again, don’t get me wrong. We have plenty of them in Poland as well. I have put the word in quotation-marks for reason.
But in other hand I know that they are sizeable minority and we have to base our idea on remaining part of community.
Site for our people is a good idea but first we have to find more people who start discuss. A few of us is not enough. Historians will be welcome and geopolitical strategists too

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 19 окт 2013, 16:31 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 10:31
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Откуда: Минск
Yes. I agree.

We must to work for the majority in our countries, not for the minority.
What people may be interested in our countries? Various prophetic. History. Modernity. How the poles live now? What is going on in the economy? What have they in a social life? In the culture? The most different things.

There is a lot we could take from the Polish press and translate for Belarusians in Russian, Belarusian. Similarly much we could take with us and translate for the poles. It is for the begining.

After that we could start a discussion about the future. I mean what poles think about their future, what Belarusians think about their future and whether we can combine, merge your views about the future with the views of the Belarusian people about the future.

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Сообщение Рейтинг поста: [ ] Добавлено: 20 окт 2013, 05:47 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 авг 2010, 23:41
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Rysio писал(а):
I have found once such article from 2007.
12.5 % Belarusians wants to join their country with Poland, 63, % is against and 24 % has no opinion about it.
I was surprised that such public opinion poll was carried out. It is result of the independent research center NISEPI

Here is some more recent NISEPI data for you. People choosing between EU and Russia.

First question - If there were a referendum on the EU membership how would you vote. Blue - for; red - against; yellow - won't vote; green - no opinion.

Second question - If you'd have to choose between integration with Russia, or joining the EU. Blue - Russia; red - EU; yellow - no opinion.


However, things start looking completely differently if besides Russia and the EU you give the third option to people - neither. Meaning, playing a role of its own. NISEPI data from here.


This green line on top - this is exactly the kind of people who would be supporting an Intermarian confederation as a third way, conditioned it is not dominated by another player - be it Poland, Ukraine, or anyone else.


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